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Burning Seed is an experimental gathering dedicated to creativity, collaboration and a cash-free community — conceived, built, run and returned to nothing again by YOU!

Together, we pool our resources, skills, ideas and imagination to create the funding, the city, the entertainment and the experience itself. During the event, we also take care of our needs, each other, and the environment. When we leave, the city returns once more to the forest. That’s right, each year since 2010 we’ve built a whole city - Red Earth City - and then taken it all away again.

ARTWORK PICTURED: Foreground - Wild Heart by Melissa Carey, Background - Ngarrang by Peter Ingram and Aidan Kempster IMAGE CREDIT: @artistmelissacarey


We are guided by the Ten Principles created by The Burning Man Project. This annual torch for creativity and community has sparked subculture, Regional Burns and community events all around Australia and the world. 

Our experiment in radically participatory creative community has extended beyond the limits of our own Red Earth City as we continue to bring the Ten Principles to other projects under the umbrella of Burning Man Australia and Red Earth City.